Like the best missions, the mission described here is a high bar – attainable goals - to strive towards and exceed.  If the bar is set low, it’s not really a “mission”. 


Mission Bullets


U  Honor – to honor God with the best He has given us – heart, soul, strength, mind


·      Integrity – to operate all aspects of life, including business, with honesty and integrity


·      Service – to treat customers fairly and honestly, to give them the very best of our efforts


·      Excellence – to continually improve services and reduce costs, and to provide services that exceed our customers’ expectations


·      Stewardship – to faithfully manage all resources (time, treasure, and talents) under our control and to help others as help is needed (not by formula)



The first bullet gets a special symbol, because it is more important than the others.  It is, in fact, the source for the other items.  If the mission of the company, and life, was summarized into one bullet, it would be that first one.  If you don’t understand the significance of that first bullet or how it ties into hydrodynamics, please contact me and I will gladly share the meaning.